Metasploit + OpenVAS 연동 (using Docker)

메모해둘겸 작성합니다. 예전엔 직접 하나하나 해야해서 귀찮았지만 이젠 Docker로 편하게 설치합시다.

docker run -d \
-p 443:443 \
-p 9390:9390 \
--name openvas mikesplain/openvas

docker ip의 9390 포트로 접근 시 관리 페이지 확인이 가능합니다. Metasploit에 연동해서 사용하면 아주 편리하죠.

    Command                       Description
    -------                       -----------
    openvas_config_list           Quickly display list of configs
    openvas_connect               Connect to an OpenVAS manager using OMP
    openvas_debug                 Enable/Disable debugging
    openvas_disconnect            Disconnect from OpenVAS manager
    openvas_format_list           Display list of available report formats
    openvas_help                  Displays help
    openvas_report_delete         Delete a report specified by ID
    openvas_report_download       Save a report to disk
    openvas_report_import         Import report specified by ID into framework
    openvas_report_list           Display a list of available report formats
    openvas_target_create         Create target (name, hosts, comment)
    openvas_target_delete         Delete target by ID
    openvas_target_list           Display list of targets
    openvas_task_create           Create a task (name, comment, target, config)
    openvas_task_delete           Delete task by ID
    openvas_task_list             Display list of tasks
    openvas_task_pause            Pause task by ID
    openvas_task_resume           Resume task by ID
    openvas_task_resume_or_start  Resume task or start task by ID
    openvas_task_start            Start task by ID
    openvas_task_stop             Stop task by ID
    openvas_version               Display the version of the OpenVAS server
HAHWUL > openvas_connect admin admin 9390 ok
[*] Connecting to OpenVAS instance at with username admin...
[+] OpenVAS connection successful
HAHWUL > openvas_target_create
[*] Usage: openvas_target_create <name> <hosts> <comment>
HAHWUL > openvas_target_create "test" "test comment!"
[*] a248577e-b232-4935-a046-98255a08f193
[+] OpenVAS list of targets

ID                                    Name  Hosts             Max Hosts  In Use  Comment
--                                    ----  -----             ---------  ------  -------
a248577e-b232-4935-a046-98255a08f193  test  1          0       test comment!
HAHWUL > openvas_target_list
[+] OpenVAS list of targets

ID                                    Name  Hosts             Max Hosts  In Use  Comment
--                                    ----  -----             ---------  ------  -------
a248577e-b232-4935-a046-98255a08f193  test  1          0       test comment!
HAHWUL > openvas_config_list
[+] OpenVAS list of configs

ID                                    Name
--                                    ----
085569ce-73ed-11df-83c3-002264764cea  empty
2d3f051c-55ba-11e3-bf43-406186ea4fc5  Host Discovery
698f691e-7489-11df-9d8c-002264764cea  Full and fast ultimate
708f25c4-7489-11df-8094-002264764cea  Full and very deep
74db13d6-7489-11df-91b9-002264764cea  Full and very deep ultimate
8715c877-47a0-438d-98a3-27c7a6ab2196  Discovery
bbca7412-a950-11e3-9109-406186ea4fc5  System Discovery
daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea  Full and fast
HAHWUL > openvas_task_create scan1 scan 2d3f051c-55ba-11e3-bf43-406186ea4fc5 a248577e-b232-4935-a046-98255a08f193
[*] 5fc7c069-124b-46fb-90cd-362ce11a552f
[+] OpenVAS list of tasks

ID                                    Name   Comment  Status  Progress
--                                    ----   -------  ------  --------
5fc7c069-124b-46fb-90cd-362ce11a552f  scan1  scan     New     -1